Delivery: Delivery to these postcode areas ONLY - BA1 BA2 BA13 BA14 BA15 SN12 SN13 Delivery within two weeks. Please phone for postcode areas BA3 BA4 BA11 BA12 SN10 SN11 SN14 SN15 LOCAL DELIVERY ONLY please check postcodes
Man Code: U0061 Delivery: Delivery to these postcode areas ONLY - BA1 BA2 BA13 BA14 BA15 SN12 SN13 Delivery within two weeks. Please phone for postcode areas BA3 BA4 BA11 BA12 SN10 SN11 SN14 SN15 LOCAL DELIVERY ONLY please check postcodes
Kinetico Block Salt is available in 8kg bags which contain two blocks of Kinetico salt. Suitable for all block salt water softeners.